Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Percakapan Mengenai Petunjuk Jalan -- Asking For and Giving Direction

Latih lah ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:

Excuse me, how can I get to
the police station?

the supermarket?

Oxford St.?

Uda restaurant?

Could you tell me
where the nearest bank is?

where the post office is?


Excuse me. I am a stranger here. I am on my way to the bus station. Is it still far from here?

It's probably far if you walk. Just catch a bus from here. The buses go to the bus station.

You are going the wrong way. [Anda salah jalan.]
You are going in the wrong direction. [Anda menuju arah yang salah.]
It’s this way. [Jalan sini.]
Take this road. [Ambil jalan ini/Lewat jalan sini/Ikuti jalan ini.]
Take the first on the left. [Lewat tikungan pertama di sebelah kiri jalan.]
Take the second on the right. [Lewat tikungan kedua di sebelah kanan jalan.]
Turn right at the crossroad. [Belok kanan di prapatan.]
Continue straight ahead for about 1 km. [Terus lurus kira-kira 1 km.]
Continue past the gas station. [Terus saja melewati pom bensin.]

You’ll pass a supermarket on your left. [ Anda  akan melewati supermarket yang ada di sebelah kiri.]

Excuse me. Where is the nearest bank from here? [Permisi. Dimana bank terdekat dari sini?]
I am going to the town park. Is it far? [Saya sedang menuju/pergi ke Taman Kota. Apakah jauh dari sini?]
Where is the post office, please? [Dimana kantor pos?]
Could you tell me where BNI Bank is? [Bisa kasih tau di mana bank BNI?]
Is there a bus station around here? [Adakah stasiun bus di sekitar sini?]
How can I get to the police station? [Bagaimana saya bisa sampai ke kantor polisi?]
Is the post office far from BNI Bank? [Apakah kantor pos jauh dari bank BNI?]
I am now at BRI bank on Jl. Agung Jaya.  Is it far to go to Andy Salon?

Untuk menjawabnya, perhatikan peta di bawah ini. Selamat berlatih.

asking for and giving direction on the road