Latih lah ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
Excuse me, how can I get to
the police station?
the supermarket?
Oxford St.?
Uda restaurant?
you tell me
where the nearest bank is?
where the post office is?
Stranger Man | Excuse me. I am a stranger here. I am on my way to the bus station. Is it still far from here? It's probably far if you walk. Just catch a bus from here. The buses go to the bus station. |
•You are going the wrong way. [Anda salah jalan.]
• You are going in the
wrong direction. [Anda menuju arah yang salah.]
• It’s this way. [Jalan sini.]
• Take this road. [Ambil jalan ini/Lewat jalan sini/Ikuti jalan ini.]
• Take the first on the
left. [Lewat tikungan pertama di sebelah kiri jalan.]
• Take the second on
the right. [Lewat tikungan kedua di sebelah kanan jalan.]
• Turn right at the
crossroad. [Belok kanan di prapatan.]
• Continue straight
ahead for about 1 km. [Terus lurus kira-kira 1 km.]
• Continue past the gas
station. [Terus saja melewati pom bensin.]
• You’ll pass a
supermarket on your left.
[ Anda akan melewati supermarket yang ada di sebelah kiri.]
• Excuse me. Where is
the nearest bank from here? [Permisi. Dimana bank terdekat dari sini?]
• I am going to the
town park. Is it far? [Saya sedang menuju/pergi ke Taman Kota. Apakah jauh dari sini?]
• Where is the post
office, please? [Dimana kantor pos?]
• Could you tell me
where BNI Bank is? [Bisa kasih tau di mana bank BNI?]
• Is there a bus
station around here? [Adakah stasiun bus di sekitar sini?]
• How can I get to the
police station? [Bagaimana saya bisa sampai ke kantor polisi?]
• Is the post office
far from BNI Bank? [Apakah kantor pos jauh dari bank BNI?]
• I am now at BRI bank
on Jl. Agung Jaya. Is it far to go to Andy Salon?
Untuk menjawabnya, perhatikan peta di bawah ini. Selamat berlatih.