Dalam percakapan kita sehari-hari, kita tidak terlepas membicarakan apa yang kita suka (like, love, interested in, fond of, enjoy, would rather dan lain-lain kata kerja) dan apa yang tidak kita sukai (hate, abhor, detest, would rather not dan lain-lain kata kerja yang menunjukkan ketidaksukaan).
Berikut adalah percakapan singkat tentang likes and dislikes:
I don’t like people smoking around me. What about you?
Me neither. I hate cigarette smoke as it’s dangerous for our health,
isn’t it? I enjoy myself sitting around here when there is no one smoking.
I also detest going to a restaurant where there is no smoking room
for smokers. That’s why I seldom eat
out. I find that restaurants are places where most people smoke.
When I was a kid, I used to hate waking up early. My mom would wake
me up saying “Wake up, wake up, Pit! What are you gonna be when you grow up
if you are always waking up late?”.
I think your mom was true about it. Many people has grown up to
become what their parents didn’t like them to be. So, you are very lucky to have a mother who
cared a lot when you were still a kid. Many parents didn’t do that as they
were too busy with their jobs.
I think so. When I grew up and became a successful person. I mean I
can finish my school with flying color, and I began thinking that it was due
to my mom being so strict about me. My mom also detested me going out in the
rain and playing near the brook.
My mom was also like yours. I was lucky too to have a caring mom.