Thursday, December 18, 2014

Latihan Kata Kerja Lebih dari Satu Kata (Phrasal Verb)--PUT

Kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris sering diikuti kata seperti ON, OUT, IN, OFF, AWAY, BACK dan lain-lain. Berikut adalah latihan-latihan kata kerja PUT  agar Anda bisa memahami kata kerja tersebut. Anda diminta melengkapi dengan kata yang benar yang tersedia dalam pilihan A, B, C, atau D.
Bacalah dengan seksama sebelum Anda memilih jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.

  1. I must put some of my money ................for my future. A. on; B. down; C. out; D. aside.
  2. Make sure you don't forget to put your toys ............. Don't leave them scattered like that on the floor. A. put; B. away; C. up; D. in
  3. It is too noisy here. I don't think I can put .........with it any more. A. down; B. on; C. up; D. back.
  4. I'd like to watch TV. Can you put it ............? A. on; B. away; C. down; D. out.
  5. We've had a number of proposals submitted by several groups. What about your group, have you put............the proposal? A. back; B. in; C. off; D. forward
  6. Don't put .........till tomorrow what you can do today. A. off; B.aside; C. on; D. forward
  7. I am half dead for a Sony Z2. It's one of the best smartphones. However, the high price of the smartphone finally puts  me ............ A. away; B. off; C. out; D. back
  8. It's raining very hard. Do you think the match will go on or be put ............... A. aside; B. out; C. off; D. up.
  9. Put your clothes ............. now; it's impolite to be bare-chested like that. A. on; B. off; C. down; D. forward.
  10. She's not really that stressed. She's only putting it ............... A. away; B. up; C. out; D. on
  11. Before you go to bed, see to it that you put the fire ............... A. up; B. in; C. out; D. away
  12. Telephone Conversation: John: I'd like to talk to Mr.Lee. Is he around? Korie: Yes, he is here. John: Can you put him..........., please? A. off; B. out; C. on; D. down