Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Kata Kerja Utama

Dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris biasanya memiliki lebih dari satu kata kerja. Kata kerja yang pertama disebut main verb yang letaknya paling dekat dengan pokok kalimat. Main verb berubah bentuk sesuai dengan tenses nya.
Perhatikan penjelasan berikut dan juga dengarkan ucapan-ucapannya agar Anda bisa mengikutinya:

You ate lunch at 1 pm yesterday.
Did you eat lunch at 1 pm yesterday? Kata kerja kembali ke bentuk awal (eat)
You didn’t eat lunch at 1 pm yesterday. Kata kerja kembali ke bentuk awal (eat)
She goes to school by bus.
She doesn’t go to school by bus. Kata kerja kembali ke bentuk awal (go)
Does she go to school by bus? Kata kerja kembali ke bentuk awal (go)

Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut yang terdiri lebih dari satu kata kerja:

  • She went to the beach to swim.
  • Mary, Tom, and Jane visited Borobudur Temple to spend their school holiday.
  • He studied hard to pass the test.
  • Did you go to Bali to have your holiday or to visit your relatives?
  • We met in the City Park to do the jogging there.

Digunakan untuk:

Dengarkan ucapan-ucapan dalam rekaman ini dan latihlah ucapan Anda mengikuti ucapannya.
  •  Menyatakan waktu: It’s ten o’clock now. What time is it? It was 11 pm.
  •   Menyatakan keadaan: I am happy. She is beautiful. We are late. It is warm today.
  •  Menyatakan profesi atau status: She is a student. We are consultants. They are farmers. They were pilots. Mr. Thomson was a government employee last year.
  • He is in the garden.
  • Is he in the garden?
  • He isn’t in the garden.
  • She wasn’t at the office yesterday.
  • Wasn’t she at the office yesterday?
  • Was she not at the office yesterday?