Isilah titik-titik pada kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan menggunakan Could, Could have atau Couldn't have. Rubah pula kata kerja dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk past participle jika Anda memilih could have atau Couldn't have.
- We were very happy because we finally could fix our car.
- Ami: Could you help me, please? Lut.i: I wish I could.
- Actually, I could have given you the money but I was afraid you would spend it all.
- David could swim very well when he was a kid.
- Thank for dinner. It was a lovely one. I couldn't have eaten such delicious foods.
- Amir: What have you been doing? Lutfi: Playing with matches. Amir: You could have burned anything near you.
- We could have taken the road you suggested but we supposed the road would be heavily congested. So we took another road.
- I wish I could come to your party next Sunday.
- I could have reached home on time. On the way home I met Budy who drove his car. So, I went with him.
- Don't wait for Sony to come. He said he could go home alone.