As if dan as though diikuti tenses bentuk present atau past tense tergantung makna yang dimaksud oleh si pembuat berita (speaker). Jika yang dimaksud adalah sesuatu hal yang kemungkina besar terjadi atau nyata, maka kalimat yang mengikutinya adalah dalam bentuk present continuous atau future tense. Namun jika yang dimaksud adalah sesuatu yang tidak nyata (untrue), maka kalimat yang mengikuti nya adalah past future atau simple past tense.
Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut:
- It is cloudy as if it is going to rain. (Cuaca mendung seolah-olah akan turun hujan, atau Cuaca mendung seperti akan hujan). As if di sini diikuti oleh going to construction.
- She looks very confident as though she will pass the test. (Dia tampak percaya diri seolah olah ia akan lulus test tersebut.).
Pada dua kalimat di atas as if dan as though tidak diikuti bentu lampau atau past future karena si pembicara (speaker) yakin bahwa kemungkinan besar isi kalimat yang mengikuti as if dan as though tadi akan benar-benar terjadi.
- He is talking a lot as if he knew the subject. (Dia bicara banyak seolah-olah dia mengetahui....).
- You look weak as though you would fall sick. (Anda tampak lemah seperti orang yang mau jatuh sakit).
As if dan as though pada dua kalimat di atas tadi diikuti oleh kalimat dalam bentuk lampau, yang artinya kecil sekali akan terjadi.
As if atau as though bisa juga langsung diikuti to infinitive atau prepositional phrase:
As if atau as though bisa juga langsung diikuti to infinitive atau prepositional phrase:
- He opened the door as if to welcome me.
- She waved her hand as if to say goodbye.
- They cried out loud as though in terror.
Contoh-contoh kalimat yang menggunakan AS IF dan AS THOUGH.
- He told me about you a lot as though he knew you inside out.
- Tom gave out all his money to the children as if he were a rich man.
- She has been sitting there alone as if she would be there all the time.
- The boy is eating greedily as though he had not eaten for two days.
- You look shabby as though you hadn't taken a bath yet.
- The man looks very tough and strong as though no one will defeat him.
- They have been working hard lately as if they never felt tired at all.
Silahkan Anda coba membuat kalimat sendiri dengan menggunakan AS IF atau AS THOUG.