Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Latihan dan Kunci Jawaban Adjective Clauses With Expression of Quantity


Terjemahkan lah kalimat-kalimat berikut kedalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Adjective Clauses With Expression of Quantity.
  1. Mr. Amir mempunyai 5 orang anak, yang semuanya telah lulus universitas.
  2. Saya mempunyai dua buah rumah, yang keduanya telah disewakan kepada mahasiswa.
  3. Fitri, yang anaknya cantik dan lucu, telah diangkat menjadi pegawai negeri sipil
  4. Mira telah berjumpa dengan semua temannya, yang tak satu pun masih mengenal nya.
  5. Pitra mengenal dua wanita cantik itu, yang keduanya ternyata mencitai nya.
Gabungkan lah dua kalimat menjadi satu kalimat. Gunakan Adjective Clause With Expressions of Quantity.

  1. She has three cars. All of her cars are new and expensive.
  2. Have you met Lutfi? Lutfi's eldest son is getting married this week.
  3. There are 4 young people. Two of them want to see you now.
  4. I have been to all villages. None of the villages is interesting to me.
  5. We have watched the celebrations of New Year's Eve. All of the celebrations have amazed us.

  1. Mr. Amir has 5 children, all of whom have graduated from university.
  2. I have two houses, both of which have been rented to students.
  3. Fitri, whose children are beautiful and funny, has been appointed a civil servant.
  4. Mira has met all her friends, all of whom do not recognize her.
  5. Pitra knows two beautiful women, both of whom fall in love with him.
Menggabungkan 2 kalimat menjadi satu kalimat.
  1. She has three cars, all of which are new and expensive.
  2. Have you met Lutfi whose eldest son is getting married this week?
  3. There are 4 young people,  two of whom want to see you now.
  4. I have been to all villages, none of which is interesting to me.
  5. We have watched the celebrations of New Year's Eve,aAll of which have amazed us.