WOULD RATHER langsung diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk dasar (verb without to). Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut:
- She would rather stay at home (She'd rather stay at home.) - Dia lebih suka tinggal di rumah.
- I would rather learn it online. (I'd rather learn it online.)
- We would rather drink coffee without sugar. (We'd rather.....)
WOULD RATHER dalam tulisan sering disingkat 'D RATHER.
Perhatikan dengan seksama contoh-contoh dalam kalimat berikut dimana kita membandingkan dua tindakan dengan menggunakan WOULD RATHER...........THAN............. Ingat kata kerja nya tetap bentuk dasar tanpa 'to".
- I'd rather go blind than see you walk away.
- Would you rather stay here than go out with us tonight?
- My dad would rather watch TV than listen to the radio.
- We'd rather find an inexpensive hotel than stay with our relatives.
WOULD RATHER bisa langsung diikuti oleh kalimat dalam bentuk simple past tensentu atau past perfect. Bentuk simple past tense di sini menunjukkan arti sekarang atau yang akan datang; sedangkan bentuk past perfect menunjukkan kejadian yang lalu. Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut:
- I'd rather you stayed with us (Saya lebih suka Anda tinggal bersama kami)
- I'd rather you had stayed with us. (Saya lebih suka Anda tinggal bersama kami. Kegiatan "stay" sudah terjadi.)
- We'd rather we didn't go to Bali for our next vacation. (Saya lebih suka kita tidak jadi pergi ke Bali untuk liburan kita berikutnya.)
- She'd rather not study Japanese now. (Bukan; "She'd NOT rather......)
- I'd rather not go there alone.
Latihan penggunaan Would Rather. Dalam masing-masing kalimat ada 4 kata yang digarisbawahi, satu diantaranya tidak benar. Pilih kata yang digarisbawahi yang menurut Anda salah.
- Mary had rather stay home than go to the market with her mother.
- They would rather go fishing than swimming.
- I'd rather have my house repainted than to buy a new house.
- She would not rather tell her friends that she is already married and has children.
- My wife would rather I don't go out alone at night.
- Would you be rather stay here till your dad arrives?
- I'd rather my daughter staying with us till the weather is fine.