Monday, July 9, 2012

Adverbial Clauses of Purpose

Adverbial Clauses of Purpose

Adverbial Clauses of Purpose

Klausa keterangan yang menyatakan tujuan. Seperti adverbial clauses lainnya, adverbial clauses of purpose juga tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Ia membutuhkan main clause karena setiap adverbial clause adalah subordinate clause yang bersifat statis. Bersifat statis artinya anak kalimat tidak bisa berubah-ubah apabila kalimat secara utuh menjadi kalimat tanya atau kalimat negative.

Untuk membuat adverbial clause of purpose dibutuhkan conjunctions sebagai berikut:

in order that (agar supaya)
so that(sehingga)
for the purpose that (dengan tujuan)
in the hope that (dengan harapan)

Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut. Kalimat yang bertuliskan tebal adalah adverbial clause of purpose:

  1. Pitra turned down the volume of his radio in order that his children could concentrate on their study.
  2. I will save my money in the hope that I will be able to travel abroad.
  3. Should I keep it secret so that no one will know it?
  4. He tries to greet all his neighbors for the purpose that they will think he is polite.
  5. Lutfi has decided to study hard so that he will pass his exams as an auditor.
  6. I have saved some of my money for the purpose that I will be able to buy a house.
Lantas dimana perbedaan antara adverbial clause of result dan adverbial clause of purpose karena keduanya menggunakan conjunctions yang sama?

Adverbial clause of purpose menggunakan modal auxiliaries (may, might, can, could, will, would, dll), sedangkan adverbial clause of result tidak menggunakan modal auxiliaries.


  • We all went out early so that we did not miss the bus. (adverbial clause of result)
  • We all went out early so that we could catch the bus. (adverbial clause of purpose)
In order that bisa diganti dengan in order to tapi kalimatnya bukan lagi terdiri dari main clause dan subordinate clause:

I went to the airport early in order to buy a ticket. (Kalimat sederhana karena hanya terdiri dari 1 kalimat)
She studied very hard in order to pass the test. (Kalimat sederhana karena hanya terdiri dari 1 kalimat)

Contoh-contoh lain:

  • He always drives his new car for the purpose of winning Angie's love. (kalimat sederhana)
  • He always drives his new car for the purpose that he will be able to win Angie's love. (adverbial clause of purpose karena terdiri dari 2 kalimat, yaitu He always drives his new car dan he will be able to win Angie's love.)
Latihan membuat Adverbial Clause of Purpose: Gabungkan lah dua kalimat menjadi satu kalimat seperti contoh-contoh di atas. Ada beberapa kata yang harus dihilangkan.
  1. Lutfi has decided to study abroad.  He is sure he will improve his English faster there. (Lutfi has decided to study abroad in the hope that he will improve his English faster there.)
  2. Fitri went to bed early. She didn't want to miss a bus to Bogor.
  3. I don't want to sell my house very expensively. I want many buyers to buy my house as soon as possible.
  4. Exercise regularly. You will improve your health.
  5. We have to save our money. We will buy a new house for our children.