Saturday, April 29, 2017

Like dan As sebagai conjunction dan preposition

Like/ As = Seperti; sebagai. Pilihan menggunakan like atau as tergantung fungsinya apakah sebagai kata sambung (conjunction) atau kata depan (preposition). Jika sebagai conjunction,  maka ia harus diikuti oleh klausa. Khusus kata As bisa juga diikuti oleh prepositional phrases. Jika as/like sebagai kata depan, maka ia harus diikuti oleh kata benda atau noun phrase.

Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut:

  • We will meet at Kinasih Resort as we agreed. [Kita akan bertemu di Kinasih Resort seperti yang kita sepakati.]
  • We will meet at Kinasih Resort like we agreed. (Informal)
  • As in last year, in 2017, there will be another exhibition at the same place. [Seperti tahun lalu, di tahun 2017, aka nada pameran yang lain di tempat yang sama.]
  • As we all know that we will be based out of town.[Seperti yang kita semua ketahui bahwa kita akan ditempatkan di luar kota.]
  • They can no longer communicate with us as they did last year. [Mereka tidak bisa lagi berkomunikasi dengan kita seperti tahun lalu.]
  • Silvie looks very much like her mother.[Silvie sangat mirip dengan ibunya.]
  • Stop working like a slave.[Berhentilah bekerja seperti seorang budak.]
  • Heri works in a restaurant as a waiter.[Heri bekerja di sebuah restoran sebagai pelayan.]
  • As a tourist guide, I have to know all nooks and crannies of this city.[Sebagai seorang pemandu turis, saya harus tau semua seluk beluk kota ini.]
  • Apri is more interested in learning cultural  subjects like anthropology.[Apri lebih tertarik mempelajari studi-studi budaya seperti antropologi.]
  • Our cycling club is like a big family. [Klub sepeda kita seperti sebuah keluarga besar.]
  • To lose your weight, you should avoid eating fatty food like meat, chocolate, and candy.


What are you looking for here?
Cultural things like old civilization, traditional dances, and music.
I suggest you find information about it from the Culture Agency. They are willing to help you.
Can they take me to an old village where I can still witness preserved traditions?
They have addresses of professional guides. So you can contact one of them.
As I told you, I also want to know traditional music.

Lengkapi lah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan like atau as

1.       In 2017, …… in 2015, the President is to visit archeological remains.
2.       Yanto works …… a tourist guide in Banten.
3.       ….. I told you yesterday that I wanted to know things ……… music, dances, traditional houses.
4.       You will never find anything ……… this in other countries.
5.       Do they work ………… their parents did?