Monday, October 31, 2011


 "USED TO"  digunakan untuk menceritakan kegiatan yang dulu pernah dilakukan namun tidak lagi dilakukan pada saat ini. Misalnya kegiatan belajar, tinggal di suatu tempat, atau kebiasaan-kebiasaan lainnya yang secara rutin pernah dilakukan.

Setelah USED TO langsung diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk dasar.
  • Used to live.....
  • Used to have.....
  • Used to swim......
Pengucapan used to adalah /ˈjuːst tə/

Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimatnya.

USED TO juga dipakai untuk sesuatu yang dulu pernah ada, namun tidak ada lagi. Misalnya adanya sebuah gedung, kebun atau tempat lainnya.


  • I used to live in Jakarta. (I lived in Jakarta but not anymore). Diulu saya tinggal di Jakarta. Artinya saat ini saya tidak lagi tinggal di jakarta.
  • Susan used to work as a nurse. (Not any more now). Dulu Susan bekerja sebagai juru rawat.
  • There used to be a large plantation here. (Sekarang mungkin sudah jadi areal perumahan)
  • Mary used to swim at this hotel. (Dulu Mary sering berenang di hotel ini.)
  • We used to talk about it a lot. (Kami sering membicarakan hal ini dulu dan sekarang tidak lagi.)
Questions: Perhatikan bentuk pertanyaannya.

- Did he use to go by bus?
- Did your father use to play badminton?

Negative Statement:

- He didn't use to live in a village. (He has lived in a city since he was born.).
Perhatikan table berikut:




Dalam kalimat tanya atau kalimat negatif, orang Inggris lebih menyukai menggunakan Simple Past Tense.
They used to live in a village.
Did they live in a village? (Kalimat tanya)
They didn't live in a village. (kalimat negatif)

Change the statements below. Use USED TO.

Example : They often went to the pub. Answer : They used to go to the pub.
  1. We played tennis for 3 years (We don't play it anymore.)
  2. Did she often complain about it? (Now she doesn't complain anymore)
  3. I ran very quickly when I was young.
  4. There was a factory here.
  5. I lived in London for 6 years. Now I live in Jakarta.
Latihan USED TO
Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut menggunakan USED TO.
  1. Dulu saya pernah tinggal di Bali selama 4 tahun.
  2. Di desa ini dulu pernah ada kolam renang.
  3. Menurut Anda, apakah dulu pernah ada sebuah hotel di daerah sini?
  4. Saya pernah mencintainya.
  5. Lutfi dulu sangat menyukai kopi susu.
  6. Saya pernah mengajar bahasa Inggris secara gratis.
  7. Pantas saja bahasa Arabnya bagus. Rupanya ia pernah tinggal di Arab selama 10 tahun.
Semoga penjelasan di atas bermanfaat.

Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini. Tambahkan Pokok kalimatnya
Kebiasaan / kegiatan yang dulu dilakukan tapi tidak dilakukan lagi saat ini

Kegiatan / kebiasaan saat ini
Taught English at Senior High School.
Give lectures at private universities.
Swam in the river with his friends.
Teach children how to swim.
Ate boiled eggs until he was 15 years old.
He loves chicken and meat.
Had a Toyota Jeep for 10 years.
He goes by his old motorbike where ever he goes.
There was a big lake here.
Big buildings and shopping centres.
Drank coffee 3 times a day.
I only drink plain water.
Worked for a Korean company for 4 years.
Work for local government in West Java.
Played volley ball
Do jogging and go biking on weekends.
Sang most English songs.
Love reading and writing.
Walked to school.
Take a bus to my campus.
There were a lot of rice fields in this village
Many factories and housing complexes in this villages.

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh penggunaan “used to”:
·         There were many activities Tom used to do when he was young. He’s now 45 years old engaged in social activities like helping poor people and giving a lot of seminar on how to live healthily.  When he was young. He used to spend his time singing together at night and staying up late. He used to hang around with his friends and to do many other useless things.

·         My dad is a very healthy person. He’s now 95 years old. Here are his activities he did and didn’t do when he was young:
1.       He used to be a member of a hiking club for some years.
2.       He used to do the jogging almost every morning.
3.       He didn’t use to smoke at all.
4.       He didn’t use to stay up like many of his friends did.

·         There used to be a polluted river in this area. The local government received a grant from European countries. The fund was used to clean the river and to build beautiful houses along the river. Now, as you can see, there are so many visitors who love to rent the houses for a few days to enjoy the view of the river.